Healthy Banana Muffins


Today I thought about sharing another recipe with you guys. I looked through my recipe book and I saw the recipe for "Banana Muffins". I love these Banana Muffins because they are delicious and make a perfect breakfast.

banana muffins


produces 12 muffins


4 bananas (mashed together)
200 ml caster sugar 
1 egg (beated)
80 ml margarine or butter (melted)

375 ml flour
5 ml baking soda
5 ml baking powder
pinch of salt
Preheat oven to 180°C (356°F)
Spray a 12-muffin pan or smear butter so muffins don't stick. 
Mix the banana and flour mixture together.
Pour muffin batter in muffin pan. 
Bake for 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out dry. 

For the caster sugar, I used regular sugar and it works perfectly. 
In the photo I have 8 muffins because my family already started eating the muffins before I could take a photo, haha. 😊 But, this recipe produces 12 big muffins! 

These banana muffins are healthy and delicious. I love to eat them for breakfast with a cup of coffee or tea!

🧁 follow me on pinterest! - @janablignault

I hope you like this recipe as much as I do and comment below how they turned out! Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful day! 

Bye xx


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