Studying Tips

Hey guys!

Lately, I've been studying and I learned new tricks to make studying fun and easy. So, I thought why don't I share it with you guys.

1. Change into a comfy outfit.

Here I have some warm sweatpants with an oversized t-shirt and some comfy socks. I love being comfy when it comes to studying because if you're uncomfortable you won't really concentrate as much.

2. Study at your desk not bed.

Always study at your desk because sometimes a bed gets uncomfortable or you can fall asleep.

3. Always drink water while you study.

Here I have my water bottle with some water and ice. I love putting ice in the water because it makes it extra cold and you don't have to wait 2 hours for it to get cold in the refrigerator. Water also wakes me up when ever the studying gets too long.

4. Take 5 minute breaks not 20 minute breaks.

I always take 5 minute breaks just to get away from the subject I'm studying. If the break gets too long I get lazy to study. A lot of times I like to eat a snack or something so I my stomach doesn't make whale sounds.

5. Always read a book when you are taking a break, don't watch TV.

When you take a break don't watch TV because when you go back to study, all you'll be thinking about is the TV show you watched. I like to read a book when I take a break because I won't get distracted, thinking about the TV show or movie that I watched. Right now I'm reading a super cool book called Secret, Schemes & Sewing Machines by Katy Cannon. You guys should really try getting 
this book and reading it.

6. Put away your phone, it'll only distract you.

I always put my phone away when I study because it always distracts me especially when my notification bell goes off. I don't if it's just me but when I hear my notification bell it's all I think about. 

7. Keep your space neat.

I like to keep my space neat when I study otherwise I'll go crazy. If I have books or pencils and pens just lying around I can't focus on my work. 

8. Make a list of the things you what to study and your goals.

I always like to make a list of the things I want to study so I can keep track. 

9. Have fun! 

You're probably thinking why I put have fun as one of my studying tips, well I believe a positive mind can help you through a lot so have fun! There you have it. Those were all of my studying tips. I hope this helped you and comment down below if it did. I'll be posting again next week. 

Bye xx 


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