What I eat in a day + healthy things to make !!

Hi everyone !

Today I want to share what I eat in a day + the recipes of what I eat. I love watching or reading these type of topics and so I thought I would make my own. I also have snacks in between meals so I'll share that as well. 
This post is going to be what I eat on an average day - I don't eat these type of meals everyday and the food I eat sometimes changes but I try my best to keep it healthy <3

What I eat in a day + healthy things to make !!

b r e a k f a s t 

For breakfast I don't usually have a big meal, I only have like a bowl of cereal, toast or an omelet. Sometimes my mom likes to surprise us with bacon and eggs so she tells us not to eat anything in the morning so she can make the breakfast a bit later on. 
We also like to invite my dad to join us whenever we make a breakfast like this to treat him as well.


Sometimes when I'm not so hungry I like to make myself some toast with peanut butter and bananas because they make the most delicious combination! Tip: I like to spread my peanut butter on the toast immediately after it's done toasting so the peanut butter melts. 

s n a c k - For a snack I love eating fruit, especially with yogurt! It's definitely one of my favorite snacks to eat because it's delicious and super healthy for you. Sometimes I cut up apples and add yogurt, or I add bananas to the apples and leave the yogurt. Also, bananas with strawberry yogurt is a delicious combination!

I also like to make myself (or my brother makes it for me, haha) a cup of tea.

l u n c h

Lunch is probably my favorite meal of the day because I can eat cereal for lunch, haha. But I don't, what I do eat is a delicious chicken salad, or a bowl of 2-minute noodles (cheese is my favorite flavour) or leftovers from last night's supper. I honestly eat whatever I'm in the mood for but now my favorite thing to eat for lunch is a chicken salad.

I really like to add tuna to my 2-minute noodles because the tuna and noodles taste great together! All you have to do is open 1 tin of tuna (in salted water) and drain off any water or oil in it. Divide the tuna in half (you can put other half in a closed container in the fridge for tomorrow) and just add it to the noodles! And there you go!

chicken salad

  • chicken (chicken breasts etc.)
  • mayonnaise
  • yogurt
  • lettuce
  • cucumber
  • tomato
  • grapes
  • herbs (pepper)
  • If you have leftover chicken, take pieces of chicken off bones and put in a bowl. You can use any type of chicken like, chicken breasts, drumsticks, thighs and more.
  • Cut chicken into smaller pieces with scissors, mix about 1 big tsp yogurt with mayonnaise and add to chicken. You can use any sauce you want!
  • Cut lettuce, cucumber, tomato, and grapes and mix in a bowl. Add chicken and mix. Throw pepper over salad or add to chicken before you mix it with salad.
s u p p e r

Last meal of the day is supper. For supper I eat anything really. Some nights we make our own food and most nights my mom and I make a huge delicious meal.
On nights when I make my own supper I just eat something light, especially when I'm not so hungry.

Here I used pea and ham soup and 2 slices of bread with cheese that are basically like small healthy pizzas.

bread pizzas

  • 2 slices of bread
  • cheese
  • herbs
  • tomato paste (optional)
  • Grease an oven pan and preheat oven to 180°C (356°F).
  • Grate enough cheese on both slices of bread and add some mixed herbs on top.
  • Put in oven for about 10-15 minutes or until cheese is melted.
If you want you can add some tomato paste as the base before the cheese so it tastes like a real pizza.

We don't really eat any desserts in the week but on the weekends we love to treat ourselves with ice cream, chocolates or whatever my dad surprises us with. It's sometimes really funny how he says he's only going to the grocery store to buy bread and milk but comes back with a 3 bags of chips, 2 huge slabs of chocolate and 1 litre of any sweet drink.

My dad is the type of person that NEEDS a shopping list but whenever he comes back from the store it looks like the list doubled in size and items!

There you go! That's what I eat almost every day and I hope you enjoyed the little story of what my dad is like with grocery stores, haha. Thanks for reading this post and I hope y'all have a wonderful rest of your week! Stay safe!

Bye xx


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