My biggest pet peeves!

Pet peeves - things that annoy us, like really annoy us. Today I want to share some of the biggest pet peeves I have and these things annoy me.
my biggest pet peeves ever
My dogs are probably where most of my pet peeves come from but they're the cutest things on earth!

people interrupting me
Nothing makes me more annoyed than people interrupting me when I'm telling a story, especially if something happened to me and my brother. For instance, when something really interesting happens in one of our shows and we want to tell my mom about it (she also watches them sometimes) and when I explain what happened my brother likes to finish the best part of the whole story which makes my blood boil! OK, it's not so bad but it does annoy me. And yes I do take a long time to tell a story but you don't have to finish it for me, I will eventually get to the end.
my dogs walking slow
They love to take their time walking in front of me and whenever I tell them to move, they walk even slower. I swear they do it on purpose because they know it annoys me.

when the internet is slow
I love it when the Internet's fast and nothing lags or glitches but when the Internet's slow, everything lags and loads making me annoyed because how long does the Internet have to take?

when my brother doesn't clean

Whenever my brother makes us something to drink, he manages to waste water everywhere, and does he clean it up? No. He does not. Same thing when he makes himself something to eat. Does he clean up the crumbs? No. He does not. And you bet I clean it up for him because I love being neat and clean.
my dogs licking everything
My male dog, Bruiser, licks everything, from the floor to the dishwasher. Yip, the dishwasher, and the utensils inside the dishwasher. He also licks the cupboards in our laundry room. And who cleans it up? Me. But it is the cutest and funniest thing in the world.

when my mom calls me for something the minute I'm comfortable

I think we all can relate to this somehow. As soon as I'm comfortable on my bed or chair, my mom calls me and tells me to go to her because she wants to show me something or needs help.

Those are my biggest pet peeves ever! What is your biggest pet peeve?

✰ Pinterest account - TeenagerChef

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Thanks for reading this post and stay safe!
Bye xx


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