My Blogging Routine: From Outline to Blog Post!

Welcome back to another post! Today I want to share my blogging routine and how I go from a blog post idea to a pin on Pinterest! It's interesting seeing bloggers create something and make it a blog post so today I want to show you guys how my routine works - how I outline, write the blog post, and market it!
Let's start ↓


The very first thing I do is outline my blog posts (I even outlined this blog post!). This helps my blog posts stay structured, organized and it helps me when I write them. I like to outline my blog posts in pencil so it's easier for me to edit.
I keep a notebook just for my blog and in the notebook I outline blog posts, make lists of ideas, and for any notes I may have relating to my blog.
my blog's notebook

the outline of this blog post
I started doing this a few weeks ago after deciding I want to put more work into my blog, and ever since I started outlining my blog posts, my blog has been doing so much better!
 I make a blog timetable for every month as well, so I know which blog post to publish every Tuesday and I like to write down monthly goals and results.
I like this step of my blogging routine and it makes my writing work so much easier because in the past I would write my blog posts with just a vague idea of what I want, which made the writing process much harder. 


The next step is to write the blog posts! I really enjoy writing my blog posts - I'm even enjoying it now! :)
This is the part where I read my outline as I type my first draft. It's really helpful when I'm not sure what comes next. 
I'll usually write the first draft, run it through Grammarly (to make sure everything is 100%), read it, and edit it until I'm happy with the draft.
For the last step, I format my blog post - change the titles, add pictures, links, and more. 
first draft

last draft

Time to publish! Once my final draft is completed, the blog post will either sit in my drafts for a few days or I'll publish it immediately - it all depends on when the blog post is finished. Sometimes I'll write the blog posts a few weeks or days ahead of time or I procrastinate and leave it till the last minute. 
But lately, I've been working on typing my blog posts a few weeks ahead of time and it's going well!

comment & create

The final step to my blogging routine is to reply to any comments and create a pin of the blog post for Pinterest! This must be my favorite step because I love reading comments and creating a pin that suits the blog post and will market well. 

And that's my blogging routine! I do all these steps for each blog post to make sure my readers have the best experience reading my posts and have a fun time doing it. 

✰ Pinterest account - TeenagerChef

Thanks for reading this blog post, I hope you enjoyed reading my blogging process and everything behind the scenes! Have a great week!

Bye xx


  1. I think your blogging process is very organised and I love to read it.


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