
Hi everyone,

Today I want to talk about something that I've been thinking about lately. And that's forgiveness. It's so important, especially when it comes to forgiving yourself. This blog post is more personal than the usual things I post about and I hope you learn something today on forgiving yourself. Let's start.

Forgiveness. It's easier said than done. There are so many times that I think about something I've said or done to intentionally hurt someone. Whether that was in a heat of an argument or when I was having a bad day or if it was just to be rude. There are so many times I resent myself for those things I did or said or what happened at the moment.
When I was in fourth grade we had this project to make about our pets or something like that and I showed one of my friends how to paint grass. Hers turned out perfectly while mine was a bit of a mess. Everyone said how her grass looks perfectly realistic and I was mad about it because I was the one who showed her how to do it. So, most of the time she wanted to say something to me or hang out with me I would ignore her or pretend to be busy, all because I was mad about a silly art project and grass.
Eventually, I realized my mistake and I started to resent myself because of it. She's such a wonderful person and a great friend and I wished I was never mad at her and her art project.
I've resented myself a lot about it and I've thought about how it must've hurt her. But I've learned from my mistake and know that I'll never do it again.

This is just one of the things I've felt guilty about. There are sometimes I think of arguments with friends, or friend drama, or when I was rude to a friend. Even if I apologized I still feel guilty about it. I would play that moment in my head quite a few times until I think I'm the worst person in the world. This is exactly what you shouldn't do because everyone makes mistakes and nobody is perfect.

I've had friends be rude to me or say something that hurt my feelings, not to mention Cruella (she's a girl that threatened me) but I've forgiven them all because they made mistakes.
One thing that has helped me is talking with God about it. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, which is what Easter is all about. Admit your mistakes to God and ask for his forgiveness and I guarantee you He has already forgiven your sin. I also pray about it if it's bothering me. I pray for myself and for the person I hurt or the decision I made. Now it's just time to forgive yourself.

If you're not a religious person or don't have somebody to talk to, write it down. Writing what you think and feel is a great way to relieve those awful feelings you're feeling and will make you feel better. There's just something about writing down bottled-up feelings that just makes you feel better and look at things differently.

Just know that nobody is perfect. Everybody makes mistakes and forgiving yourself is the final step to letting go of guilty feelings and resentment. Forgiving yourself is hard, I know it is, but the result is worth the process. So, accept that you made those mistakes and let go of all those feelings. Remember that you're not alone and God has already forgiven you and that it's time you do the same.
That's the end of today's post! I hope you learned something from it and remember that everyone makes mistakes and that you should learn from them and forgive yourself.
✰ Pinterest account - @teenagerchef
Thank you for reading this blog post, I hope you enjoyed it! Have a wonderful week! Stay safe! 

"He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" - 1 John 1:9
Bye xx


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