Things I Love About South Africa


Welcome back to another blog post! I'm a proud South African and this week I want to share a few things I love about South Africa! Each country has its own unique things that make it beautiful so today I want to show you what I love about this country and all the beautiful things about it! Let's start!

things i love about south africa 

image credit: Pinterest

Us South Africans are such warm and welcoming people! Last year when I was on holiday in the Western Cape to visit my family, we decided to go on a walk in the morning.
My brother and I decided to jog back to the car while my grandparents continued walking. While my brother and I waited by the car, another car parked close to us and I saw how a few people climbed out and one lady said something about her shoes. When she walked past me, I said good morning with a bright smile. She gave me a warm good morning back and told me that her family didn't say they were going to take a walk so she put on her prettiest sandals and now, while the rest of her family walks on the promenade, she's going to do something else.
We didn't know each other but it's as if we did and her personality was so vibrant and warm! I'll never forget her!


I can't begin to express how much I love the food here in South Africa. Malva pudding, peppermint crisp tart, koeksisters? So delicious! I love making all of those desserts and many more dishes that originated in South Africa. I'm actually surprised by how many recipes I've shared on this blog that are originally from South Africa and it's a pleasant surprise when I see it!
landscapes and beautiful views

Every country in this world has a place where the landscape is breathtaking. But in South Africa, you have many beautiful landscapes and views all over. In KZN you have big, green palm trees, in the Eastern Cape and Western Cape you get to see beautiful mountains!
Not to mention the Garden Route! Whenever we go down to the Western Cape, we drive 12 - 13 hours and we cross 2 provincial borders on our way there, so you can imagine the views and landscapes we drive by and I must say, it's my favorite thing ever.
If I could choose a place to live in South Africa, it would be the Western Cape without a doubt.
I was also born there and lived there till I was six years old. I still have memories of how my dad brought me ice cream at a Spar (a store in SA) and I love to see those beautiful mountains every time we visit family during February and March. 

braai during weekends

I think most South African kids will say that their dads are the best braaiers but, I can say with certainty, that mine is for sure the best! 😄 During the weekends South Africans love to throw a lamb chop, "wors", and other meat on the fire, made with wood or coal. Bonus points if you have a nice "stoep" and pool.
We love to spend Saturdays or Sundays with friends around the fire and just have a good time. It's one of my favorite things to do and is always so fun!

And that's it for today's post! I hope you enjoyed reading all the things I love about South Africa. It's such a beautiful country with many rich cultures, not to mention all the languages we all speak!

✰ Pinterest account - @teenagerchef

Thanks for reading this week's post! I hope to see you next week! Stay safe!

🌍 Tell me in the comments: What's your favorite thing about your country?
Bye xx


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