Ways To Take Care of Your Mental Health

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to this week's post! Today I want to talk about one of the most important aspects of ourselves, and that's our mental health. The mental space you're in has such an influence on everything you do. It affects your emotions, thoughts and willingness to complete tasks, like doing schoolwork or going to work.
I have had friends tell me about how much stress school causes them and the amount of time it takes out of their days. 
This got me thinking about how important mental health is and how vital it is to take care of it, to take care of yourself. So, today I put together a list of things you can do to take care of your mental health, to clear your mind and find a place to ground yourself. Let's start <3

my list of ways to take care of mental health

take a break from social media

This life moves at such a fast pace, and social media provides these short videos that produces a sense of happiness and entertainment. But, the downside to these short-span moments of happiness is, when it's over, you may feel tired, drained of energy or lazy. I do, for sure. Not to mention those filtered posts many compare their life, figure and mental well-being to.
I've seen that taking breaks from social media really clears your mind. You'll feel more tranquil and your mood will slowly start to improve.
This prompts the next item on my list...
removing negativity
Look at the accounts you follow online. Do all of them make you feel good? Or do they trigger thoughts of comparison and emotions that make you feel, to put it plainly, bad?
Unfollow those accounts, remove them from your page. You may be surprised by how well it feels when you don't constantly see the perfect, filtered versions of their lives condensed into a post on your homepage. 
This goes for anything else, really. If a friendship doesn't serve you anymore, if that person gives you backhanded compliments or completely drain you after a hangout, don't be afraid to make the decision to take a break from them.

journaling / gratitude

This is probably the millionth time I've talked about journaling, but I'll never stop sharing the benefits it has to your emotion well-being. When your thoughts become too much, write it all down. This is one way of getting things off your chest.
Google a few prompts on mental health if you want to give journaling a try but don't know where to start - they are so helpful and are a great guide to have!
Gratitude may not fix the problem you are dealing with, but, I can truly say that once you count your blessings and focus on the good things in your life, your mindset will slowly but surely start to change to seeing the positive.


One of the best remedies for me after a bad day is self-care. I love to pamper myself with a face mask, skincare, pedicure and a delicious-smelling lotion. 

talking with someone

I saw a video the other day where a woman said something along the lines of, "If you're struggling or not doing well mentally, there should be at least one person in your life who should know where your mindset is at. It is unfair towards yourself to suffer alone."
This made me think for a moment and I realized how incredibly true it is. Telling someone how you feel or what is bothering you helps you get things off your chest and they may give you a different perspective too.
Confiding in someone you trust, someone who cares for you and truly wants to see you happy, is incredibly helpful. Bottling things up and hiding it will exhaust you. It will isolate you and you'll start to believe you are alone (which your are absolutely not).

Mental health is incredibly important. Like I said above, it influences everything you do. I am in no way a professional when it comes to the mind but, these methods above have always helped me, or at least made things a little better, and I wanted to share them with my readers <3
I hope this post has helped you in any sort of way and I hope you gained at least one more way to take care of your mental space.
☁ follow me on pinterest! -  @janablignault
Thanks for stopping by this week! I appreciate you reading my blog post! I hope your week goes well and I'll see you again soon!
"Tough times never last, tough people do." 
- Robert H. Schuller
Bye xx


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