6 Scrapbook Page Ideas

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to this week's post! Today I want to share scrapbook page ideas that will make your scrapbook full and vibrant. A scrapbook is a book of blank pages made for sticking, drawing and creating things. 
A scrapbook is messy and full of scraps of paper, fabric and other fun supplies you can stick on them. So, in this post I'm going to give you ideas on what to fill those blank pages with! ✂ Let's start!

page ideas for your scrapbook!


family / friends

Find the best family photos you have, print them, and go crazy with a layout that'll fit these pictures the best! The same goes for friends.
I made a scrapbook in 2020 for my parents' wedding anniversary and one of the first pages I made were of my family. I printed pictures of my grandparents, our pets and the four of us and made the page colorful with cutouts of colored cardboard. 

list of books you're reading & TV shows you're watching

Dedicate two pages to your favorite novels and TV shows. Write the synopsis, print a few aesthetic pictures from the book or show and let the creative juices flow! You can also add your review and thoughts and you can add your favorite elements that make up the story.

favorite memories

Think of your favorite memory. Do you have photos from that memory? If yes, that could be a scrapbook page! Maybe it was a day at the beach, then add stickers of seashells and waves! Write why it was your favorite day and everything that happened.

favorite season

Fill a page of your scrapbook with elements of you favorite season. For instance, if you love spring, add lots of flowers, a watering can and lemonade! I love winter so I'll add stickers of hot chocolate, blankets, sweaters and books!

christmas time

I made a Christmas page and it turned out so well. I added photos I took of Christmas-y things and I made lists of things we did, gifts we received and things we made. (We made a gingerbread house one year--here's the link to the post! - Gingerbread House Recipe!)
If you don't celebrate Christmas, what is a holiday or celebration you have once a year? Take photos of this celebration and put it in your scrapbook!

vision board

I love vision boards. They're aesthetic, give you visuals of your goals and you can stick them anywhere to stay motivated! Vision boards don't only have to be made at the start of a year, you can make vision boards of anything, or instead of a vision board, make a mood of something!
I made a mood board of what I want my bedroom to look like after I give it a makeover. The makeover is almost complete and I'll be sharing the before and after when it is!

Scrapbooking is a lot of fun and a great way to pass time! Pinterest is my go-to place for finding photos of things I don't already have. 
When you scrapbook, always use scraps of paper and any type of object you can stick onto a page. Make it messy and fun!
I always collect random objects from around the house and I put everything in my scrapbook basket so when I create a new page, I go through the basket and cut things up and tie things and stick it to the page. That's what's so fun about scrapbooking--you can use anything and make it as chaotic as possible.
If you need more inspiration, I have a board full of scrapbook inspiration on my Pinterest! Here's the link - scrapbook pinterest board

Thanks for reading this week's blog post! I really enjoyed creating it and I had fun taking the pictures! I hope you enjoyed the blog post and that it gave you some inspiration for your scrapbook! Have a wonderful week 💕

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." - Proverbs 4:23
Bye xx


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